Your music collection is always growing and changing, especially if you like to keep track with a. A media library that enables you to play and organize your music collection, as well as sort it and create personalized playlists. ID3v1 tags), Windows Media wma, asf and wmv files, Ogg Vorbis/Flac/Speex (vorbis comments), Apple iTunes and iPod aac (m4a) files including mp4, lossless m4a and protected m4p files. Tagtraum Industries beaTunes 5.1.12 macOS. To do so, you have to edit two files with a simple text editor like TextEdit. If you repeatedly run into OutOfMemoryErrors, and other remedies dont help, you might want to manually change beaTunes memory configuration. Tagtraum Industries beaTunes 5.1.12 macOS. Tag&Rename is a music files tag editor that easily handles all popular digital. Starting with beaTunes 3.5.14, the dialog also shows your currently configured minimum and maximum heap sizes under Memory. Top Software Keywords Show more Show less